A issue at Convergent Audio is that Ken Stevens is the go to man for everything and he does not delegate so all authorization and communications must go thru him and as you mentioned he can be difficult to get a hold of. Sometimes I call back 3-4 times during the day to catch him at the workplace but when I do finally get him on the phone he will talk your head off for at least one hour. The conversations I have had over the years with him have been quite informative and interesting even if I only understood 1/3 of the technical information he was telling me. If your JL2 goes out for any reason Expect to be down at least 30 days, it takes several weeks to transport your amp back and fourth to the factory plus several weeks in the shop. Yes I wish there was better customer service with Convergent Audio regarding repair of there products but it is what it is and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.
The resistor problem with earlier JL2 amps will probably force most owners to ship the heavy beast back to the factory sometime in the first 3 years of the life of the amp for the repair and summer time is probably the best time to get the work done. The JL2 amp gets hot, is heavy, has allot of tubes (22) and hard to move so why do we go thru all of this? Because it sounds so good and at its price point or even much higher has no completion in my biased opinion. The taunt bottom end and beautiful clarity is something to behold on the Convergent JL2. Late at night after several hours of warm-up with all tubes glowing and the music flowing I ask myself is it worth all the extra work and the answer to me is Yes, Yes, Yes.