Considering upgrading - any recommendations?

I have the following set up:
Rega RP6 w/ Ortofon Bronze
Creek EVO integrated
Monitor RX6
Lehmann Black Cube preamp
Chord Carn Silverscreen and Crimson cables

I think the set up sounds a bit thin. Any ideas for what to tweak or upgrade?

Jd, I think you have a great system.If you spend the $$ on a better Integrated Amp you will see the most benefit. There are way to many solid state and tube integrated amps out there to recommend one.
I agree with Matmiller. A new integrated would probably be the best upgrade. I had the RX8's myself and ran them with a 5350. It was a great combo. Hard to do better for the money. It won't sound thin like the EVO. I haven't heard the Roksan, but I did have a Nait 5i series 2. I know people like it, but the Creek was in another league. Very overrated.