Considering the Pro-ject Box CD RS2 Transport ? You might want to read this, first.

I recently bought one of these and soon returned it.

In terms of SQ, it clearly outperformed my Simaudio 260DT so I've no complaints in that regard. 

However, I could not get used to its toy-like dimensions.

It would not stay stationary, due to its light weight, so I had to hold it in place with one hand while operating its tiny buttons and loading/unloading discs with the other. 

Needless to say, this issue was only exacerbated once I placed it atop my preferred footers.

While audiophile geishas may find it ideally-sized, I found it highly impractical.

Given that our only current choices for this new drive are the Pro-ject and the 28K Gryphon, it would seem there's an empty niche in the market for a reasonably affordable alternative, housed in a full-sized case. 

To be fair, Steve Guttenberg did grumble a little about ergonomics but on the whole, reviewers' attention has been fixed squarely upon the Pro-ject's undeniable virtues.  

I'm not suggesting everyone will experience what I've experienced nor am I attempting to dissuade anyone from buying this unit- my aim here is simply to shine a light on what's been, so far at least, largely absent from discussions I've encountered. 





Showing 4 responses by nonoise

Yes, read that this morning and it had me salivating until I came to my senses concerning the price. I still want it though.

All the best,

The top and bottom of the Oreas act like suction cups to whatever they sit on and hold above. I found that out trying them in various places on my gear and it was a PITA to unstick them with one hand while holding up over 40 lbs with the other so I can see them holding the Pro-Ject firmly in place (when affixing them to the bottom and avoiding the units feet). Some minor movement may result but it shouldn’t make it a deal killer as papadog pointed out.

Lots of things to consider.

All the best,

I posted about that in another thread but here it is again for those who are interested:

It's a real looker and seems to have the performance to back it up.

All the best

Thanks for expressing your thoughts so honestly-something that's a rarity here. Like you said, you're not the only one to mention it's diminutive size, lightness and ergonomics, sonics notwithstanding (which are fantastic).

Hopefully there are other makes out there that notice the demand for a top loader that can implement the use of the StreamsUnlimited servo and reader at a more reasonable price and in a form factor that we're familiar with and used to.

All the best,