Considering the Pro-ject Box CD RS2 Transport ? You might want to read this, first.

I recently bought one of these and soon returned it.

In terms of SQ, it clearly outperformed my Simaudio 260DT so I've no complaints in that regard. 

However, I could not get used to its toy-like dimensions.

It would not stay stationary, due to its light weight, so I had to hold it in place with one hand while operating its tiny buttons and loading/unloading discs with the other. 

Needless to say, this issue was only exacerbated once I placed it atop my preferred footers.

While audiophile geishas may find it ideally-sized, I found it highly impractical.

Given that our only current choices for this new drive are the Pro-ject and the 28K Gryphon, it would seem there's an empty niche in the market for a reasonably affordable alternative, housed in a full-sized case. 

To be fair, Steve Guttenberg did grumble a little about ergonomics but on the whole, reviewers' attention has been fixed squarely upon the Pro-ject's undeniable virtues.  

I'm not suggesting everyone will experience what I've experienced nor am I attempting to dissuade anyone from buying this unit- my aim here is simply to shine a light on what's been, so far at least, largely absent from discussions I've encountered. 





Showing 16 responses by charles1dad

@stuartk ,

The LPS I chose is the Fidelizer Nikola 2 (Formerly known as the Nickola Signature). I know a very reliable and trusted Audiogon member who has heard the LTA LPS and the Nickola 2 with the Pro-Ject RS2 Transport.  He said the LTA is in fact very good with more of an emphasis on detail and transparency. The Nickola is more toward an organic richer tone/timbre sound. The latter suits my preferences. Just depends on what a listener is after. Pro-Ject transport and my other components do a very commendable balancing act between resolution and organic sonic character. 


@stuartk ,

I haven’t heard the SimAudio 260CDT but I do know that it’s well regarded, you could easily do worse in terms of the sound quality. No doubt that it’s a very solid reference point for comparison with competing CD transports. Could very well go toe to toe with the yet to be released Urd transport.


I’ve placed an order for a linear power supply for my Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2, so stage 2 (Stage 1 being the stock wall wart power supply) is coming soon😊


@stuartk ,

Understood,  we must adhere to our individual conscious. Good luck with whatever you decide to acquire. 



Have you given consideration to getting the Jay's Audio CDT2 MK 3 ? It is highly praised and very well regarded. Also dimensions are traditional sized so ergonomics should be a non factor. 



." I cannot agree about the complaints about the size and the weight."

My feeling as well but understandably everyone has their individual tolerance level.  What annoys me may not bother another and thus I get what @stuartk is saying.   As you wrote,  the sound quality is superb.

People should be aware of all aspects of a component in order to make an informed decision. Bottom line for me, this Pro-Ject transport is a smashing home run if the priority above all else is top level sonic performance with Redbook CD playback. 



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Former trumpet player here 😊.  I'm with you in that I have an aversion to a clinical/dry/analytical sonic character.  I believe that good resolution can be accomplished in a natural and musical manner.  I find the Pro-Ject quite organic yet also  able to resolve and be informative. Did you not find it natural and engaging? Over the few weeks I've had it,  this quality has steadily increased. Anyway I definitely appreciate your perspectives. 


@richdirector ,

The optical and drive assembly are actually well isolated and address vibration/resonance impressively (A main reason why it sounds so good). I recognize that some are bothered by the small size and light weight.  


This decision of Pro-Ject to go shoebox small form dimensions is probably more comfortably accepted in Europe more so than USA (My guess). No problem for me but we're all different and I appreciate that.  it earns a sound quality grade of an "A" which is most pertinent for me😊


@david_ten ,

Thanks for the review link. I’m curious as to how many other manufacturers will eventually utilize the CD PRO-8 drive mechanism /Blue Tiger servo card. Quite an achievement for the Stream Unlimited engineers, bravo.



"I agree it’s poor design. But a good solution is a heavy weight such as the old VPI brick which will also reduce cabinet induced microphonics"

Just curious, have you listened to this transport? One point of agreement by posters on this thread is the "excellent " sound quality. What induced cabinet microphonics? The chassis is solid aluminum and properly damped. A VPI brick would very likely over damp and be counter productive. I believe this would diminished the fabulous transparency it provides.


@nonoise69 ,

Thanks for the post/picture it is attractive.  I'm not surprised that another high level product has adopted the Stream Unlimited CD PRO-8 mechanism.  As I said before it is a first rate drive mechanism. The Pro-Ject is a terrific value to get this CD PRO-8 unit at its price. 



I’m surprised that you interpret my post like that ’initially ’. I did not dispute your assessment or concerns at all. You made valid points. My objective was to make it known that the issues you identified are IMO easily correctable. My RS2 sits solidly  atop of 3 Star Sound Audio points with the inverted brass disc.

I completely understand that the small form factor doesn’t work for you, no problem at all. I just see it as a case of a very fixable problem and then you’re left with an outstanding sounding CD transport. It may not be for everyone but I believe it represents the opportunity for many to obtain a reasonably priced very high level performing audio component. I took zero offense to your post @stuartk.



"The Pro-ject has convinced me that a superior transport makes a significant difference". Amen brother👍


Hi @stuartk ,

Thanks for posting your experience interacting with the Pro-Ject RS2 Transport.

At 6,5 pounds the RS2T is alightweight unit compared to most CD transports. My digital cable is the High Fidelity CT-1Ultimate which is relatively heavy due to its large magnet assembly. It initially resulted in tugging/pulling on the lightweight RS2 when plugged into its rear panel.

I solved this by tapping the cable’s magnet to the shelf it sits upon, problem effectively addressed. My prior PWT transport weighs about 25 lbs so the magnet cable weight was no issue. The RS2 buttons are small but I find them easy to use nonetheless (And all functions can be managed with the nice aluminum remote control).

So for me the ergonomics and diminutive form factor are not an obstacle in any manner. Although small in its dimensions it is very solidly constructed. In operation it is dead silent and again very simple to use.

To all who have any interest in this Pro-Ject transport, know this, the sound quality it provides is utterly superb!!! As good as my P.S.Audio PWT is compared to many CD transports, the RS2T is in a class above . This is a serious uppermost tier component for those seeking ultra quality Redbook CD playback.

Major sonic performance in a small scale package. I completely understand why Gryphon Audio Ethos (37,000.00) and Accustic Arts Audio Drive II (18,000.00) selected the Stream Unlimited-blue Tiger servo card for their very top of their line models. That this marvelous drive mechanism is available through Pro-Ject for roughly 3,000.00 is genuinely admirable and surely welcomed.
