Considering moving on from B&W...

Hi all, I have ben a B&W speaker owner ever since I bought a par of ny first "real" speakers while i college back in 2001, the CDM7SE and a Marantz SR14 to power it. Over the years, I moved up the Nautilus line by cashing my scholarship checks each year (which my parens didn't find out until years later thankfully lol) and went from 804 to 803 to 802. During that time I also got ito McIntosh amps. Anyway, when I finished with my Masters, I had those 802's and an MC352 powering them. I kept those 802's until 2018 when I traded them in for the new 802 D3's and HTM1D3. 

I have found myself losing interest in the B&W house sound. I am looking to move away from the super forward and highly analytical sound they bring to something much more musical. I  have a dealer close to me that is willing to do a straight 802 D3's for a pair of Magico A3's. Wanted to see what the board thought of that deal and their thoughts on the A3. I have not had a chance to hear them yet,

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Showing 1 response by willgolf

Similar to the Op I had B&W speakers in college through my thirties.  They were fine then but as I age I find them to be dull and unexciting speakers to listen to.  It took me a year to find a speaker I liked.  I went to shows around the country and would drive up to 8 hours to go listen to speakers during my journey.  I agree with others....if you live in Alabama take a short drive to Atlanta and listen to as many speakers as you can.  You might surprise yourself.  I had no intention on buying a horn speaker but ended up going that route and am totally happy.  

Magico has good resale value so that is a plus.  However, when I was testing them I felt they would fatigue me if I listened for many hours at a time.  I would say listen to some of the suggestions that people gave you above on Youtube.  Granted you are not going to make a decision based on a YouTube video but you can at least get an idea on sound.  Then find the closest dealer and listen in person. 

Sonus Faber, Joseph Audio, Charney Audio, and Focal are a few brands to consider.  I have also owned Wilson Audio and they have a wide range of speakers that are way better than B&W.  

Don't rush into a decision and enjoy the journey.