Considering Gryphon Diablo 300 "OR" Simaudio 700iv2 ???

Hi everyone,

I am considering one of the two integrated amplifier's now as I am downsizing. Different residence.
The Gryphon Diablo 300 or the Simaudio 700iv2? Unfortunately I can not audition either in my area. So I am going at this blind. Pretty much from reviews.

I am downsizing from a beautiful McIntosh system that just sang.....A  C500t tube two piece pre-amp with Mc501 mono blocks, powering my PMC IB2i speakers. Connected to a Torus power RM20, and my digital front end is a
Linn Klimax Ds.

I am keeping the PMC IB2i speakers, the Torus power, and the the Linn Klimax. Although I may consider selling my Klimax Ds to get the Simaudio 780d dac if I go the Simaudio route. I could update the Klimax to the latest spec too, but that's another topic.....

I did audition the Ma9000 integrated amp, and it did not grab me sound wise. So I feel it is out.
I did get to audition some Simaudio separates, that sounded very very good...

So that's where I am at.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your post. Your testing methodology seems a bit skeewed, see a room full of gear, did you move the gear that you were testing from the one main rack between the speakers? 

Was the cabling exaclty the same, power etc?

Did you warm up each set of gear before testing?

Did you use exaclty the same tracks?

The issue we have is your hyperbole, the Gryphon gear is great, so is the Vitus and T+A gear, any one of these brands makes outstanding gear that is generally considered better than most of the othe players you were mentioning. We have heard all of these players and it comes down to personal taste and system synergy.

We had one unfortunate demo with the T+A where someone turned on the tone controls and it killed the demo, didn't realize that the tone controls were engaged until the client left.  

The Gryphon, T+A and Vitus gear are generally considered a step up due to their outstanding construction and design.

The Luxman separates should have outperfomed any of the integrated amplifiers, what cabling and power conditioning were you using with them?

What cabling and power conditioning were you using with the gear?

Your one statement is very true I think a lot depends on personal preferences.

Last question are you a store or private listening room? That seems like a huge amount of gear in one room.

We run similar tests frequently we keep all of the variables down to a minimum by just swaping out the gear, same rack, same cables, same power conditioning.

Good luck 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor

Post removed 
Audiotroy... It is an audio forum not a Police station... To answer shortly: All tests were carried out to ISO and EN standards :)

T+A pa3100- nice amplifier, but too polite for me. Nowhere near the dynamics and control when compared with diablo. Low end was much worse.

Vitus-again nice amplifier, but not as natural, controlled and dynamic as diablo.
Both had much worse soundstage too. 

Fact 12 are quite difficult to run, 84db and transmission line will test the best amplification out there.

If tested on a highly efficient speakers it is likely the differences between diablo and other amplifiers would be smaller.

But don't we want an amplifier which can run any speakers on this level?


"T+A pa3100- nice amplifier, but too polite for me. Nowhere near the dynamics and control when compared with diablo. Low end was much worse."

You just described exactly what I heard comparing the T+ A PA 3100 driving Magico A3 speakers to the Gryphon Diablo 300 driving A3 speakers. In addition, the Gryphon was more open and detailed to my ears.