Considering a POSSIBLE replacement for speakers. Opinions?

Upfront, this isn't for Home Theater, just two floor standing speakers and a separate subwoofer. So there is full disclosure. The speakers I am considering replacing are 2008 Monitor Audio Silver RS8's.

Sadly, unlike the Neolithic Era of high end audio, it can be very hard to find a brick and mortar store to visit, listen and compare individual components. That's the way it was done waaay back in the day
 Now, comparisons seem easiest to get by asking questions like this and finding a consensus. So, if you were looking to replace 12 year old speakers that are highly regarded for their day, what are some brands you'd consider without losing your mind and deciding you need $4,000 speakers? And thanks as always.


Showing 1 response by kennyc

If you like the Monitor Audio sound, it’s a safe bet to go with a newer/better MA speakers. Your budget can accommodate MA Silver line, but if you’re willing to buy used you can afford the MA Gold300. Above the MA Gold line is the Platinum (PL). Also, within each line the larger the model number (100,200,300) the larger the woofers and price.
Great pair of monitor audio pl100 mk ii for sale on us audio. 2500.00$.
may be your best option if you are satisfied with the bass drivers performance.

LSA garnered many very positive reviews before selling their business/inventory IIRC to Underwood Hifi. Seems like Underwood is keeping the LSA prices low to move inventory. For the price/performance, this is a sonic bargain. This seems like relatively safe bet.

Other speaker choices would be subjectively very risky without demo first.

I would avoid flat paneled speakers like Magnepan unless you heard them first. These speakers are very fast and great sounding, but the vibrating panels don’t push enough air to do bass well unlike piston driver speakers. Adding a subwoofer to augment the bass can be problematic as the vibrating panel is significantly faster than the piston motion subwoofer - there is a mismatch in timing. Some folks are satisfied with the added subwoofer sound, other folks not so much as they can hear the timing mismatch.
FYI- Magnepan may be creating a dual piston type subwoofer to match their paneled speakers timing - Google “Magnepan for Condos”