Considering a new Phono Pre-Amp

Hey Everyone,

Going to try and keep this short and simple.

I am considering a new Phono Pre-Amp. Currently have the Sim Audio 110lp V2 and it has been serving me well but wondering if a better Pre-Amp could further improve the system.

Here is what I am considering after much research and reviews:

- Herron VTPH-2A
I have read many great reviews of this particular device.

- Manley Chinook
Once Again read good reviews of this device also

- SimAudio 310lp
A step up from what I have now and has had good reviews. Also, everyone who reviews it states it’s extremely quiet, so I suppose that is a plus.

-Goldnote Ph10
I like the ability of this device to change settings on the fly. Have read good reviews but also possible noise issues?

The Herron and Manley of course are tube based so that’s one of the biggest differences between these 2 and the SimAudio and Goldnote.

I don't think I could go wrong with any of these because they are all quality products.

Well I wanted to get the communities opinion.

My only fear is, with my system, would I experience an improvement or not? Not Sure


Showing 1 response by williewonka

I have the Simaudio MOON LP 5.3 RS - which was the 310 predecessor and looks to be the same from the internal photos I have seen

I can confirm it is very silent, has amazing dynamics, clarity & detailing, with a huge detailed image.
- I did not elect to buy the optional power supply, but instead, treated it to the very best power and interconnect cables, which I believe accounts for the stunning performance I now enjoy.

The only down side: you have to take the cover off to get at the dip switches to setup the gain/capacitance/resistance settings.

No matter which phono stage you select, you will need good cables to allow the unit to perform to its maximum ability, so budget accordingly.

Cables are a tough thing to rationalize, because "it’s just wire" and to get cables that allow components to perform their very best you can end up spending more on the cables than you spent on the component.

My preferred choice of Cable Companies that have products that perform really well, include...
- Inakustic, Nordost, KLE Innovations

DIY cables is another option, if you are handy, but most people prefer established brands.

Regards - Steve