Conrad Johnson vs. Audio Research - Sonic Comparison Impressions

Hello all...and Happy New Year!

After getting some great input from several forum members (jafant, oblgny & prof), I wanted to get some opinions from you all regarding the sonic differences, in general, between these two fine manufacturers.  For example, between them, which sounds warmer/revealing, which is more laid-back/has more speed, which has a better bottom-end/has more up-top, etc.  

Reason I'm asking is that my current speakers are Thiel CS-3.5's, which I enjoy immensely.  However, while my integrated is doing a fine job of driving them (160 watts @ 4-ohms), I know that getting them better amplification (not just more watts) will open them up even more.  Also, I do think that getting some tubes in the system will help tame some of the brightness I get with some of my CD's and digital files, as the Thiel's can be ruthlessly revealing at times.  I am somewhat hesitant to switching to an all-tube system, as I really enjoy the speed and "slam" afforded by solid-state gear, not to mention the relative "worry-free" operation.  But, I do not deny the lush musicality that tubes can bring...that almost vinyl-like sound no matter the source.  Count me among the conflicted, I suppose.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions...Enjoy the music!



Showing 1 response by hk_fan

C-J has always had more of the classic tubey sound to my ears which is a little fatter and warmer.  

ARC has inched closer to solid state sound while still being able to capture the meat of the tube sound in the mids where they matter most.

While not on your list, the Cary SLP-05 is the finest tubed preamp I've had in my system.  It has everything that it sounds like you're looking for.  It splits the difference between the C-J and ARC house sounds IMO.

That's my experience anyway... good luck.