Conrad Johnson Repair Issues

The Post I Never Dreamed I’d Write
About two weeks ago I sent my beloved Conrad Johnson Premier-17 back to
the Conrad Johnson factory for repair because it stopped making any sound whatsoever. It apparently blew some internal component.
I soon received an email acknowledging receipt of the unit and an estimated bill
of about $523.00 not including parts.
On 10/14/2016 I got a phone message telling me the preamp was fixed & total charges were $579.00.
I called a few days ago to give my credit card info to pay for the repairs. The CJ
employee told me that “we also need to tell you that the unit was damaged during
shipping & the damages are not repairable because it involves damage to the structure of the unit & those metal parts are no longer available." The damage was not mentioned until that point.
Photos showed the actual frame of the preamp was twisted & bent. It looked like it had been dropped off a two story building without the box.
The repair manager felt it would be pointless to file an insurance claim because
they would automatically deny any claim where the box was not damaged & refused to assist me with any insurance issues.
The CJ phone rep assured me that Mr. Johnson, the owner, would call me that afternoon but he never did.
I did get a call from the repair employee who said they just want to
get my payment information & send my preamp to me.
I shipped U.S. Post Office & insured for $2000.00.
I’m shocked to have this happen with this company. I've had several pieces of equipment repaired by them with great service.
I would appreciate any advice. I'm a little shaken & confused.
I’m really shocked that this would happen with a company of this stature.
I've stayed with this brand over the years because of their reliability & reputation for integrity.
It really doesn’t look like shipping damage to me.Shouldn’t they at least be willing to
assist with insurance issues?
This is one of the more unpleasant customer service experiences I've had in a while.


Showing 4 responses by hifiman5

Totally agree with the collective outrage expressed here.  I have dealt with cj repair services before with fine results.  Someone at cj screwed up big time and is not coming clean about it.  Don't put up with that!!  You're in an impossibly stupid position.  Yes, you deserve a fully functioning non-FUBAR unit or present production unit of commensurate quality.

I sent my Vandersteen model 3 speakers from here (PA) to Vandersteen (CA) and the UPS fork lift operator DID damage one of the speakers.  Vandersteen notified me of the incident, filed the claim with UPS, sent me a UPS receipt for the cost for Vandersteen to fix my speakers and all was well.  That's obviously the way such incidents should be dealt with.  

I also agree with swampwalker.  I would also mention that if the situation is resolved satisfactorily that you will post that here to to try and rehabilitate cj's tarnished image.

I truly empathize with you.  I would be ungodly upset if in your situation!
I sent CJ service a link to this thread on October 20.  They are aware of the situation and we should be hearing something from them or the OP soon. As with most controversies there are two sides to the story.  Hopefully we'll soon hear of a resolution to the issue.
since we have not heard from the OP about the status of this issue, here is the exact reply I received from CJ this past Tuesday, 10/25.

Hi Phil,

Thanks for all your input and valuable assistance. I am fully aware of all the facts ,and we are anxious to conclude this service incident. I will keep you posted on our progress. I’m sure you and other CJ fans will be interested in our side of the story, including photos of the unit.


Jeff Fischel
General Manager/Senior Technician
conrad-johnson design inc.

I for one look forward to a disclosure of both sides of this issue so we
have context in which to judge the actions of both parties.

I 've given this thread a lot of thought.  I have had many units sent out for repair or modification over the years and have never had an experience as the one described by the OP.  I did notify CJ of this thread last month as I was concerned that their reputation was being damaged by the perception of audiophiles reading this thread.  I did receive timely responses from CJ each time I engaged in a dialog with them.

 There are extenuating circumstances in this particular case (shipping a high end preamp with USPS!!! Who does that?  Second, apparently the dense foam protective side panels that CJ ships their gear with were not properly affixed.) I'd hope we would all agree that it is incumbent upon us to properly pack our items to ship and that they not be sent via USPS.  This is not USPS bash time.  Shipping sensitive audiophile gear is not their gig.

So...IMHO conrad johnson design has treated a careless? customer in a very reasonable fashion.  I am a current owner of a CJ preamp and will continue to consider future purchases of their fine equipment.