Conrad Johnson CA200 opinions welcome

I'd love to welcome everybody who either owns or owned this integrated amp to chime in. There are several reviews available online, but very few impressions from actual owners. It's been implied that it has a lot of tube characteristics (warmer sound, great soundstaging), with the addition of a strong, tight bass - any truth to it? I'd love to hear some comparisons, since I know most of us go through a lot of different gears over the time. Thank you

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

They have discontinued all their SS equipment, only tubes or hybrid are left. I have talked to them about it and my interpretation of what they said is that their market is more in the tube sector and with the contraction of the general market they wanted to concentrate on that. Its not like the old days , when a company like CJ could offer turntables, speakers, CD players etc. Had nothing to do with the quality of the product, my 350 is still a great amp and the 200 got excellent reviews.
I have its big brother, the Premier 350, and it does like a tube with bass according to my tube using friends. They like it very much; I would expect the 200 to have a similar sound as the circuit is very similar.