Conrad Jognson input blled

 I meant' bleed, sorry.  I have a relatively new Conrad Johnson Classic preamp with no phono stage. I have a Musical Surroundings Phonomena II plugged into the aux/ ph input of the preamp and a CD player plugged into the CD input all other inputs are empty. I noticed that when I drop the needle I can hear the music (at a much diminished volume but very noticeable) from every empty input except for the CD selection. When I get to the Aux / PH input the music sounds fine. Is there something wrong with this particular unit that I have or is it possible that the phono stage is too close to the preamp perhaps?



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Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

I have a Classic 2SE and noticed that too,  I just turn unused devices off.... It's not the first preamp I have had that does that so it doesn't bother me, this thing sounds better than any preamp I've ever had.