connectng CD player directly to amp, good or bad?

Some CD players with volume control can be connected directly to power amp, bypassing pre-amp. Mark Levinson 39 and Mcintosh 301 can do that. When I mentioned this to sales reps at dealers, they were all skeptical. They said pre-amp/amp is always better or go for int-amp. I am not s sure. Mcintosh manual shows how to connect CD player to power amp directly and it makes better sense for me since I am not going to have any other source unit. If I need more later, I can always add pre-amp. Is pre-amp really necessary?

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You will usually give up some convenience like no additional inputs, and most likely polarity control. Polarity can be resolved by inserting an inexpensive XO like dBX or Behringer. Both have individual polarity control for bass, mids, and highes, as well as Left and Right channels. I prefer the Behringer CX3410 because it also has a sub output. Most of the time this is where the polrity is out.

The Raysonic 168 and 228 have an outstanding balanced variable tube outs.