Connecting a sub to a vintage integrated amp

I have a vintage Yamaha CA- 2010 integrated amp and am looking to add a small sub (perhaps a PBS Subseries 100) to my system. I have EPOS Mi5 speakers. The rear panel on my amp has PRE OUT and MAIN IN terminals with switches (on/off for the PRE OUT and Norm/DC for the MAIN IN). My question is, how do I properly connect the sub? The PBS sub has only a low level input RCA connector. Do I need to get a sub with high level inputs? Are there other considerations that I haven't asked about?

Thanks in advance for the advice.
From the pics, it looks like what you can do is set the coupler switch on the back of the Yamaha to "off", then you would need a set of "Y" RCA adapters to plug to the L/R preouts on the 2010 to the main inputs to 'recouple' the pre and amp sections, and then run RCA cables to PSB line level inputs.
This will work, however, it is not necessary. Look at the CA-2010 Owners Manual. The pre out is always active regardless of "coupler switch" position. Leave the "coupler switch" on, and connect pre out to the sub.
I founds some on-line pics of your int amp and your proposed sub:

From the pics, it looks like what you can do is set the coupler switch on the back of the Yamaha to "off", then you would need a set of "Y" RCA adapters to plug to the L/R preouts on the 2010 to the main inputs to 'recouple' the pre and amp sections, and then run RCA cables to PSB line level inputs.