Connect optical/digital audio out on TV to pre-amp or DAC?

Going to run audio out (optical) from TV that would have either my blue ray audio or cable TV audio coming out, to my stereo (will be 7.3).  I have a preamp McIntosh MX135 which does not have HDMI.  I also have a Schitt Yiggy DAC.  Will there be any difference connecting the TV audio output first to the Yiggy feeding the Mac or just connect it directly to the Mac?

Showing 5 responses by ymc226

Thanks glennewdick, I'd like to keep the multichannel set up so I guess I cannot use the Yiggy for my video set up.
Hello caphill,

I do want to have the ability to watch the highest definition discs and plan on getting a OLED Sony. What makes the Oppo 105 a much better universal player than the latest Panasonic?  

The rest of my my system is older as though I bought them new around 2004/2005, I never got around to using the system.  I rarely went down to my HT in the basement as my wife and kids preferred to watch movies in our master bedroom. I also have a McIntosh MVP 861 which I will use only for CD and SACD. My plan was to use any blue ray player with 7.1 audio to also play the occasional DVD. 
Wow, Caphill

That is all great information.  As I only recently begun to become re-acquainted with more high performing equipment, I no longer have the option of the Oppo 205.  I don't think another blue ray player with multichannel analog output is being released.  What would be your recommendation for a good blue ray player that is reasonably priced.  

As an aside, my dealer and others I see online are discounting the Pioneer Elite UDP-LX500.  This unit doesn’t have 7.1 analog out but is their high end model for the USA. Apparently there is a higher level model with balanced audio outputs but not sold here.

Hopefully, the discount means a newer and better model is coming rather than them getting out of the market like Oppo.