Conical horns whos using them and your opinion

On performance of such. I have been experimenting for 2 years with conical. I have also used most all flares and horn types about. I do feel there is something special about the conical performance. They are a pain to build and integrate due to size the ranges are narrow but they do disappear when in use image better than other flares wave guides I've used. Not sure I'm sold on it yet but seems to me a good route to explore. Wonder what other users of conical horns could add.

Showing 1 response by macrojack

The Acoustic Horn Company AH300 is a wide range conical used by Oswald Mills in their flagship speaker and by Cogent in their acclaimed Field Coil Speaker System.

While I have never heard either of those speakers, I do have the AH300 in my hybrid system at home and there is no trace of beaming at all. However, if being off axis bothers you, it would be best to stay near the center or shop for something else. The dispersion pattern is a very controlled 40 degrees, which is to say 20 degrees either side of the center axis. Up close this is very narrow. At a distance of 15-18 feet it works well and, of course, further out the dispersion limitation would matter not at all.

If you have a large space, this may well be the best option available.

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