Configuring my system.. component opinions.

Hey All-
I have been a silent reader & student of this forum for a while and value all of your insights and opinions greatly.
I am re-configuring my system and need some advice. I listen to vinyl 70% of the time, apple laptop/iPod 20% of the time, and Radio (..remember radio?) 10% of the time. I use two turntables- Technics SL-1200 and SL-1300. Mostly I listen to rock, jazz, country. I sold my old Mac C29 preamp, but aim to continue using my MC2500 power amp (500x2). I currently use a pair of Spendor A5's, and my listening room is pretty large (40ft x 40ft)- I live in an open warehouse loft in Brooklyn.
My questions:
What are my options as a "preamp" component to get the 2 turntable sources, the tuner source, and a DAC into my MC2500? I probably prefer tube, but simplicity in source selection, reliability, and overall quality are more important in decision making. Is a pair of phono preamp AND a preamp smarter? Price is always a consideration, but I am willing to splurge on a piece that will last me a while.
Could I do "better" with the style of music I prefer (Grateful Dead, WIlco, Coltrane), the powerful MC2500, and my large listening area with a different set of speakers - or are the Spendor A5's a pretty good match.
Thank you all so much for any insights you may have!

Showing 2 responses by bigkidz

I recently just completed building a tube preamp that I will be marketing commercially soon. It is a direct heated triode, transformer coupled preamp. Since you live in Brooklyn, I could bring over the prototype for you to hear in your system. I don't think you find anything like it. If you are interested, let me know


We are also working on a phono stage similiar in design plus we do repair and modifications for all components.

My contact information is on the Alta Vista Audio website. But I can be reached at
