Confession of a poor power cord pairing for a Pass Labs XA-25

I recently purchased a Pass XA-25 to replace my Nuforce STA-200. I had replaced the power cord on my Nuforce with an entry level Silnote power cord which made a tremendous difference in sound for the Nuforce. However, when I received my XA-25, I apparently was in an extreme hurry and did not install the cord that Pass Labs included.
This evening as I was sorting through a big box of interconnects and power cords, I discovered a power cord that still had its factory twisty tie intact. After a few minutes of deliberation, I realized that this was the power cord that was included with the XA-25. I hooked it up and wow!.. Detail and Bass that I didn't know this amp was capable of.
Moral of the story.... Just because it's factory power cord.. doesn't mean it can't be good.


Showing 2 responses by david_ten

Nelson's power cord is "good enough." That's correct.

Too bad for Pass, I listened to him. Had I not, I'd likely have the 30.8 as my go to primary amp. : )
Confused by your comment. Thanks.

@gadios Pass’ guidance (at the time) was to run my 30.8 direct into a wall outlet and to use the stock power cord. Performance is good doing so. They were not ’crazy’ re. power supplies/power conditioners and were hesitant (grudgingly, slowly moving forward in this area) about aftermarket power cables.

I eventually introduced SR’s PowerCell 12 SE into my system and using it with the 30.8 resulted in significant improvements in system sound quality and elevated overall performance. Same with an aftermarket power cable, in this case a Triode Wire Labs Obsession.

Had I addressed these areas first, I would have been much less likely to audition other amplifiers. Since other amps outperformed (to my needs/preferences) the 30.8 in my then system, the 30.8 is no longer my primary amplifier. For reference it was paired with the XP20.

To summarize, the Pass stock power cable can be surpassed. If you have a Pass amp you owe it to yourself to try different power cables with it and come to your own conclusions and select the one (inclusive of the stock cord) that works best for you.