Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

"I don't take anything for granite..."  (Sorry, and Yes, too easy...)

I made a pair of ceramic speakers (porcelain) a long while concept, lousy in use....*shrug*  Resonates...but they were small....

Fibre concrete will allow thinner walls, saving weight.  Flip side requires very careful design as the stronger structure will start to resonate.

Foamed concrete hasn't been tried to my knowledge.  But may have the same issues as ceramics.  The mass reduces, the weight as well....allowing for the excitation of the enclosure.....

...and foamed materials generally require casting.....big$....