Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).

Showing 5 responses by grannyring

I climbed the mountain from a computer newbee to being well versed in all
things computer audio. I climbed the sound quality ladder for computer
audio and have tasted the best of what computer audio has to offer in
sound quality.

I spent endless hours reading, ripping, backing up, upgrading, learning
more and the end of the matter is this for me. I sold it all and went back to
spinning CDs.

I simply found it too stressful for ME to deal with all the ripping, file types,
file management, RAID backup, downloads, and on and on etc...

Now I simply load a CD and relax. Until there is a simple one box solution
and it is as easy as loading a CD, I am not going back to computer based

I can find all kinds of CDs for cheap and never have to deal with computer
issues and exhausting ripping and the like.

I work on a computer all day and it is a joy to handle a CD at home. Pure

This was true for me and not all. Ask yourself if you will find all the
computer stuff a hassle or an exciting new opportunity to learn? Really
think on this as you know yourself. Nobody else can answer this for
you.....only you my audio friend.

I will say computer based audio is not easy and anyone who says
otherwise is not telling the truth. For mere computer mortals with average
to poor computer knowledge it is a challenge that demands intentional and
continuous mastery.

The sound quality is very good indeed with computer audio. No doubt.
However, my new CD spinner sounds every bit as good as my $10,000
computer audio front end.

I do miss MOG which is now gone anyway. I do have Spotify on a second
system and if all one does is listen to a music service like these, then that is
easy and quite nice really. Beyond that, what a pain for me!
Dbphd, yes hat happened at times to me also. In addition many SACDs
would not rip using XLD so they could not be part of my computer front
end. Lastly, I preferred the sound of WAV files over AIFF, but the
conversion was a hassle and you lose all the album art etc... Yikes!
Ha, you know how much I like to rip cd's! I would rather relax in a dentist
chair and have another crown put in :)