Computer based music collection ??

Computer based music collection ??
I have read that people are getting away from cdp,ect and going to a computer based system??
How does this work and what are the pros and cons of this?
I was in a room a couple of years ago at the Rocky Mountain Audiofest that was set up with only a computer running it.
I wanted to talk to the person showing the room but they had allot of people in there and with so much to see so I wondered off.
I find this very interesting.
Would this be like hooking up a Ipod or something to your system?? Is this were music is going?

Showing 1 response by ckorody

Down the rabbit hole you go...

As Vegasears points out, there has been a tremendous amount written on this both here and on Asylum.

Search on SLIM Devices and Squeezebox - one of the most successful products.

Empirical Audio and Wavelength Audio. The two smartest engineers and equipment designers. They are both active posters, especially on Asylum

Search on my name here because I have written about this a lot.

Hopefully you are computer literate and comfortable. If so, pass go, collect 200 dollars and work on getting the key concepts into your head before you get embroiled in the geek minutiae - especially on the PC side (as opposed to the Mac side) of making this work.

The big idea is this: Imagine you had a perfect (ok near-perfect) source. That jitter and all the rest were no longer an issue. This is the immediate virtually certain benefit you will enjoy using a PC as a transport.

Now build your system accordingly. DAC. Pre. Amp. Speakers. Electrical. Cables. Room tuning etc

That's it.

Read these: