Component contributions to “sound stage”

What components in your stereo system do you think make the largest contribution to your perception of sound stage in your system?  Which element or component contributes the least to this part of the stereo listening experience?

Rankings are fine.  Justifications or explanations are even better.


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Showing 1 response by bugredmachine

Without moving my speakers or changing any electronics, I experienced some serious WOW moments in the last 14 months by just cycling in cables. IC's primarily gave the biggest bang, somewhat followed by speaker cables. I had some nice tone improvements with power cables as well, but not soundstage.

I have heard cables move the soundstage back and some bring it forward. It was quite the journey and without good speakers and preamp, it probably wasn't going to be revealed as it was. I found recordings made the biggest impact on soundstage width. Sometimes I can get the walls to sing and most times I cannot expand outside the speakers.