Completely restructuring my modest system..

I want to go from 5.1 to two channel by selling most of my gear and putting the money back into a better sounding two channel system.

I currently have:

HT Receiver: NAD T752

B&W 602 S3
B&W 600 S3
B&W ASW 650 sub
matching center...

I figure I'll have somewhere around $2500 if I sell it all. That's just a ballpark, but I'm not necessarily interested in selling all my gear. I just want to restructure in a way that's going to give me the most pleasing two channel possible.

I'm open to suggestions as long as I don't have to shell out much money. If I can save money, that'd be great, too.

All suggestions are appreciated.

Moderators, if I've posted this in the wrong forum, please feel free to move this thread.


Showing 1 response by ohlala

I'm all for separates, more than most people for sure, but with your budget, you'll most likely get better sound with an integrated amp. Maybe a tube one...ask Roy at Green Mountain about what he likes as a mate for speakers. He seems like a really nice guy.

(I also thought "Magnepan" when I first read this thread)