Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms

I’m relatively new to the world of vinyl, listening seriously for probably only 2 years.  Of course, many big picture items (e.g. turntable, phono stage, cartridges) are discussed extensively on this forum, but I haven’t seen much discussion comparing different tonearms.  I would be interested to hear about different people’s experiences with different tonearms, mentioning the audible advantages and disadvantages of each tonearm, realizing that there is no perfect sound, although from what I read about others’ experiences, SAT tonearms may come closest, albeit at a very high price.  


Showing 17 responses by tomic601

In the business i was in, understanding that tolerance stack is a two edge sword… there are so very many variables to consider…. chasing the dragon , catching a fleeting glimpse and then codification of whatever ritual of the hunt that got you  “ there “… is always risky…

I have stopped obsession w LP unique VTA….

I also am glad products like Safir exist…

Understand, in my in depth listen, we contended w different arms / tables and carts, so you had fewer variables…. Enjoy the music and the journey 

@jollytinker I have to ask… why not evaluate both arms w same cartridge ? note, i am a fan of both Kuzma arms… and have decent seat time w both.  

@mijostyn from one dog to another, your offer accepted… i’ve got the “ neat “ Panzerholtz covered thinking “ pretty is as pretty does “…. but one look at the applewood veneer on my Denon should reveal…my wood.. for Wood tendencies….

@lewm I applaud your import ! Appreciate another + input on that arm… which seems the case for people who have actually HEARD it….

@pindac it seems you are living the good audiophile / music lover community life ! i try to build same !

Agree w Mijo - get out and HEAR other systems but also have a reference….


Same can be said of the DV -505… including just ploping it down on the plinth… yikes… $3k for an armboard is insane…. i balked at the $600 Brinkman wants and fabricated a short stack of Panzerwood, i’ve done same for the duplicates for the bespoke aluminum on the Italian plinth for the Demon….

carry on…

@pindac  - you make excellent points… i myself have ( obviously ) a hodgepodge of arms… This Spring the Triplaner which i acquired used will go back to Tri for a checkup and probable upgrade, but it’s not in the same $ latitudes as the SAT. 

The experiment i envision to TRY to address this thread ? will most likely take two possible forms ; trying the same cartridge in two different headshell arms. Yes the setup geometry will change, so delta variables are introduced. Anyway…it will be fun. Ortofon vs Dynavector using the CAR -40 or a Koetsu Urushi - Black

Yes… i know about the geometry issues, hence the alternative is Triplaner vs Ortofon ( yes i know about the advised non Japanese geometry and have ordered to supporting protractor… from Scottland )

iF you want to understand the room / system / awesome proprietor Ed - check out Audio Ultra website in Seattle… Great neighbor….

…..ah the Safir….. a thing of beauty and technical triumph…but.

Ive some significant but never sufficient seat time listening to it w Ortofon Verismo on a Dohmann w integral Minus K…. vs ( in same remainder of system / room in same session… ) a Kuzma 4 pt w vta tower, Kuzma CAR-50 and the $10 k ish Kuzma deck also on a discrete minus K.

Toss up…… but i went home wondering what a CAR-50 on the Safir would do… And ordered a CAR 40 which i love… 


I always use my headshell arm to play Leonard Cohen : “ i’m just a lazy bastard living in a suit “…..

@whart … for rock solid machining quality assurace, definitely trust Kuzma…. 

I like bird dogs, a light 20 I/O , the light crack, the sense of frozen momentive reality only recoil and spent powder can bring, the falling bird, the hand signal to my trusty girl, the wag of the pitch black otter tail with just a touch of grey as bird is delivered to hand…..

@rauliruegas I am down to…. just 4 tonearms…. somewhat reluctant to put that in print… in order of Lew “mist “ density : Dynavector DV-505, Infinity Black Widow, Ortofon RS 309 D and a Triplaner 7 mk2…. Cartridge addiction level requires a non disclosure agreement…. 

@drbond for a measure and listen focus on tonearm design, see the Korf blog / website… i have not heard it… but…. 

@drbond First my compliments on a great thread that hints at how difficult a pathway to truth can be in this crazy but addictive vinyl playback world….

I should have been more precise w my language…. I was referring to the Porter experiment reference earlier this thread….

I guess i somewhat fall into the mists of memory trap @lewm cites having worked many years at several high end shops while flunking in and out of rock bands and various degree granting institutions….. ( we fixed other dealers Rabco but sold nightmare but magic sounding Southers )…

I do have a two arm turntable  project underway…. i could probably cobble together  a quasi valid experiment…. by September and Pac Audio Fest…i’ve great ears coming to visit… serious contrubutors to this thread welcom, if you are around… check swords at the door

Arm waving…..

any reasonably scientific evaluation will involve a lot of variables. The Porter controls the as designed arm variables but not the as built. Probably about as good as it gets…. 

I sort of know Max…maybe he is at the center of this gordian stylus knot…