Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms

I’m relatively new to the world of vinyl, listening seriously for probably only 2 years.  Of course, many big picture items (e.g. turntable, phono stage, cartridges) are discussed extensively on this forum, but I haven’t seen much discussion comparing different tonearms.  I would be interested to hear about different people’s experiences with different tonearms, mentioning the audible advantages and disadvantages of each tonearm, realizing that there is no perfect sound, although from what I read about others’ experiences, SAT tonearms may come closest, albeit at a very high price.  


Showing 8 responses by asvjerry

@whart ...creating a Vestico! *kazoo fanfare*  😏 *L*

There's other tales of woe & whoa in moddin' SLs'....

Anytime one ventures into the arm/carriage of them, you encounter the 'switch' that triggers the arm movement.  Although calling 3 hair-fine stiff wires a 'switch' is being kind, since it's basically a naked miniscule SPDT reduced to literally a 'hair trigger' that ought to have been left in a car bomb.

Been there...(no, not a bomb...this post wouldn't exist) ... have some options in mind when I must abandon sense and resort to mere 'high' hopes....

I think I'll just stay with my linear arms....short 'n sweet, drawbacks 'n all....*s*

Good read, tho'.

@mijostyn , good & kind Sir....(*g* ...yes, a 'measured suk-up'.... :) ...)  As many have found, to their perhaps unintended education re dogs....

Pick the breed carefully; esp. if 'tail>dog' is encountered - v - 'dog>tail'....

Long away & far ago:  1st Real TT =  The AR, hold the X...likely a Shure cart of the learned 'Jerry be nimble' (and not drunk or high).

Beyond the Redwood Curtain....Eureka! (literally), the only small hi-fi shop had a Rabco ST-4 on clearance in sealed box for 75$.  

When it worked well, it was marvelous....despite itself.  Arm on a rotating shaft, 3 wheels (main+2 small offset fore & aft of main), keep shaft & wheels Pristine.  Daily. Easy-ish to do, pick arm off shaft, 're-cue' position

....and Gently push Cue....since it was on the 'plinth/base plate' of the entire device, sprung within the wood exterior base.  Push too soft, no rsvp. Push just 'that much, too much' the entire TT would oscillate diagonally.....while the arm descended...

Got good at 'manual damping, stat'

Still have it.  Needs belts, but don't we all.... 😏

I think a version of it was 'adopted' by H-K for their run at linear TTs'.

Stopped self from e-Bay'ng one....

@billstevenson ....further and furtive adventures with My Life with the 

SL-8, no E...know well, Noel. ;)  Still have, still intent on 'getting even' with it.

Yes, I know there's some really nice 'tanges' Sirens on the rocks, they beckon to this sailor.....who still has some reluctance of spending the $ on an audio-vice approaching that of an entry-level car.

If you can, it's your $s' and I'm not opposed. just share with us the nit-gritty-pic about it. *S*👍

@tomic601 ....Yes, like baby birds, too early out of the nest...

"Seee, how they Falllllll...." *L*

@viridian and That would not surprise this one....until I walked in, knowing The Beast that lurked within.....*eyes glazed, reddening & narrowed....nails begin to threaten....*, growled speech:

"'s been on the shelf How Long....?" *evil snicker*

@tomic601 *S*  Here. boy! *patpat*scratching backbone/tail upside intersection*

" 'Umans were made to do this, y'know....*G*  

I am not surprised. but that insight informs me on what libation I'd gift you on an IRL  meet 'n greet....

Salmon vodka, neat. ;)

@mijostyn *L*  Y'all can blame a tonearm, but The Truth?

Lemme' show you the list I've compiled....

*Produces a roll, grabs loose end....roll hits floor and begins to uncoil,,,,*

Wanna start at birth or just cut to the grisly bits? ;)

Likely Rabco disappeared 'cuz of all the warped legal cases.....😏

Just being a (semi-) wise-*ss, but I still find anyone naming their product 'Vestigial'...

Vestigial (organ) is a degenerate organ or structure or physical attribute that has little to no function in the species but possessed an essential function in the preceding evolutionary form of the species. It is the retention of genetically-encoded structure accompanied by loss of function in the species. either an inside joke or a pointed commentary....😏

Now, I've still own LPs'....and 3 + TTs', so I'm committed in my own fashion. ;)

...but they're all tangential arms in various ways.

Half tempted to take a joust at making a 'nuevo-Rabco' that won't drive people crazy,...and is silent, and works without an air compressor....and won't make your CCard wilt...

...but I diy Walsh speakers that work.

Somebodys' got to push an envelope that has no return address....*L* ;)