Comparison of latest DAC chips

I own a Bluesound Node 2i which greatly improved sound after I added the Cat 6 cable.  I do not own a separate DAC but am told it would be the next step improvement.  I have done enough reading that it appears the two latest chips are the Sabre or ESS ES9038PRO and the AK4499.  The brands I have looked at are Sabaj d5($469) and a Topping D90($699).  I saw a great review on Audiocircle of the Sabaj D5 which is now a year old.  The Topping D90 is newer and I hear the build quality of the Topping as well as customer service are both better.   Other brands cost more and most don't use these new chips. 

Is there a difference in how these chips sound?  I would appreciate any comments. 
I'd pay more attention to common reviewer impressions of a particular piece than the underlying chipset.

If I were deciding (and I did recently do a dac shootout, see my systems page), I'd just decide what particular characteristics I'm trying to get in my system (e.g., accuracy, clarity, tonality, holographic soundstage, dynamics, neutrality, warmth, speed, etc) and then read as many reviews/impressions as possible and see what dacs tend to elicit your keywords from listeners. 

Outside of home demos, I find that the most effective decision method.
And consistent with @erik_squires I tried one of those top measuring dacs (matrix x-sabre pro) and it was in my bottom tier.
I have tried top tier days such as Ayre QX-5 twenty, Ps Audio Directstream.  Currently using the topping d90 and I'm loving it so much so than the more expensive dacs.  
I have always hated ESS chips and products in general as I have found them to be too analytical at the high end. However I recently bought a Pure Audio Lotus 5 DAC which has an ESS Sabre 3098Pro Dac and much to my surprise it beat the pants off some highly regarded and reviewed R2R ladder DACs in my all tube system. I have also owned a Topping D50 Dac which made absolutely no difference to the sound. I believe the Pure Audio Dac can be had new online for $1499 with an upmarket power cord but I can't recall the name of the store. It is well worth that price in my OP.