Give thought to the choice of music for comparing speakers. You’ll want to audition speakers using music of the type you favor. Speakers can behave very differently across music types. Differences in speakers can be minimized or seem more notable by the choice of music.
Comparing speakers at home questions
When looking for a new/replacement pair of speakers how do you compare them at home?
I have my current speakers and another pair that I purchased to try out at home in my system. So do you think it’s better to A/B them back to back, like play a song and then switch and play the same song again. Or is it better to listen to one pair for a day, or two, or a week and then switch and listen to those for an extended time?
I feel like switching between songs gives you an immediate sense of what’s different because you just heard the same song but will listening for longer periods to each speaker allow your ears to adjust to each and give you a better idea of how they will perform long term? Or should I do some of both techniques, quick switches between and longer periods between switching?