Comparing speakers at home questions

When looking for a new/replacement pair of speakers how do you compare them at home?

I have my current speakers and another pair that I purchased to try out at home in my system. So do you think it’s better to A/B them back to back, like play a song and then switch and play the same song again. Or is it better to listen to one pair for a day, or two, or a week and then switch and listen to those for an extended time? 
I feel like switching between songs gives you an immediate sense of what’s different because you just heard the same song but will listening for longer periods to each speaker allow your ears to adjust to each and give you a better idea of how they will perform long term? Or should I do some of both techniques, quick switches between and longer periods between switching?


Showing 2 responses by kahlenz

Your initial impressions are right on.

You already know what the Silver 100s sound like. I would hook up the Evoke 20s and listen to them for a few weeks. After spending some time with the new speakers, go back to the old ones. You will know pretty fast which ones you prefer.

Going from the punchy Silver 100s to the more relaxed presentation of the Evoke 20s will take some adjustment.

My guess is that if you listen to rock or more modern music, you will prefer the Silver 100s. If your taste runs to acoustic music, jazz, and small ensemble classical the Evoke 20s will grow on you.

It’s not just the sound of the speakers, but the way you listen to music. If you jump around and like a lot of variety in your listening session, the Silver 100s will shine. If you tend to put on a side and listen more contemplatively, I think you will find the Evoke 20s less fatiguing; in the end the Evoke 20s will make you forget about the speakers and allow you to go deeper into the music.

In any case, you will benefit from a well matched sub(s). I use a single REL T/5 with my Harbeth P3ESR speakers (admittedly smaller than either of your contenders). I dial in an almost imperceptible amount of low level sub bass and the difference it makes is magical. I had to experiment with placement to get the room nodes to work with a single sub (I guess I’m lucky, I can place my speakers anywhere I want and arranged the furniture to accommodate the speakers). If you are locked into a decor, two subs will make it easier.

Pull those speakers away from the walls. I have my Harbeths on Sound Anchors (I replaced the spikes with carriage bolts so I can slide them around and can easily push them back if they get in my way). They sound fine about 18" from the wall, but are decidedly more balanced (less muddy – not that the Harbeths are inherently muddy, they are not, but the room reflections tip the low mids when they are close to the walls) and cast a better soundstage when I pull them about a third of the way into the room.

@soix I'll have to try those. Cheap enough to have some fun. Thanks for the tip!

The carriage bolts work remarkable well on my rather thick and expensive vinyl floor which is laid directly on concrete. Better than the spikes in cups. And for a guy that likes to move his speakers around, imminently more practical.