comparing monitors

I am looking for a monitor that will play well in a 12x15 room. That being said, I am wondering if anybody has had any experience with the Reimer's and jm reynaud offrande's. If you have heard both can you make some comparisons? Both are held in very high regard, so I am trying to find out the differences. I use a 35 watt tube amp and will have a tubed cd player. I guess if anybody else has suggestions on monitors that due what they should as a monitor(imaging sound stage etc) and have deep clean bass(for a monitor)let me know. Want to stay around 2000$ new or used.Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by ozzy62


1000K for monitors? You sure you didn't mean 1K????;-}}

As for the Reimers, these are excellent monitors that will play much bigger than they look. If you use them in a large room, you will probably need a sub, but that's a judgement call. They are very detailed and slightly forward. I would definitely put them on your list of contenders.


I haven't heard Harbeths, but from what I imagine they would sound like, the Reimers do not sound like that. But that's not to say they aren't musical, because they are. They just might be a little too much for you. I went back to Montanas because they are a little more relaxed, but not as transparent as the Reimers. All a matter of taste. But if you like a laid back sound, the McCulloughs are not the speaker for you.