Comparing Classe' Audio's DR9 with Krell's ksa300s

Has anyone out there lived with both a DR9 & a Krell ksa300s?

I realize they are two different cats, the DR9 being a 100 watt Class A/B amp and the KSA300s being a 300 watt pure Class A amp. I'm using a DR9 in conjuction with Audion Premiere 2 box Silver Night pre-amp, burning 6922 Siemen tubes, to drive 946 Focal Electra speakers.

I love the sound of the DR9 ... it is such a beautiful piece (it maybe time to have the caps tested), and even in my 13x12x8 room, I don't need more D/B's, I'm after more authority, as I feel the bottom end is audible, but could use a stronger hand. - - - Not more forward, more torque

To cut to the chase, for those of you out there who have used the DR9 & the 300s, Qu #1: how would you discribe their likenesses, differences, pro's/con's, and the nuances that distingues their characters.
Qu #2: Anyone ever use the ksa300s with a tube pre-amp .... & if so what's your verdict?

Showing 1 response by pops

Hi Dave,

Why not send me one of your DR9’s for safe keeping until you decide whether to refurb or not? :-)

I have a Classe CA200 on the sidelines currently. I blew the right channel with a static elec shock if you can believe it.

I have a tech who can fix it and I was also thinking about a recap since I have owned this amp for 20+ years. But I counted the caps and if memory serves me it was around 25 to 30! Yikes!

Happy with my Mcintosh 501’s driving Thiels but alway enjoy putting the Classe in for a while.

Re:  thehorn I heard the 300S back in the day at retail and always admired them but I bought the Classe instead - primarily because of less money.  But your DR9 is a different animal than by CA although I have never heard a DR9 - just what I understand from those in the know.
