Comparing Bel Canto and Schiit DACs

I've just picked up a brand new Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby). The company only gives you 15 days for in-home trial before you lose the opportunity to return it. As it's not quite broken in yet, does anybody know how it may compare to for instance a similarly priced used Bel Canto DAC 2.7 once broken in?


Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

I have no experience with Bel Canto, but lots with Schiit.
The Gungnir is no slouch and comes close to my Ayre Codex.
Unfortunately, Schiit Dac's need some time to open up and 15 days is just when it does it's metamorphosis.
If I were you, I would let the Schiit run (pun intended), and if you really think you want to try a Bel Canto, do so. The worst is that you sell it. Schiit sells (yet, another pun). Though I have to say, at least Schiit offers upgrades to their equipment. I don't know about Bel Canto.
@ghosthouse ,
Thanks for posting your review on the updated Gungnir. I have a non multibit one that I was debating having upgraded. Now I know I will do it.