So, nobody has compared BW 804 d2 vs. d3?
I have heard both but I would not buy either. I can’t really comment on the small difference as it was a quick demo due to me not liking them
I think the 804D4 is one of the best looking speakers but they would be hard to live with. They are detailed but very sibilant with female vocals and thin on bass. The sound stage was deep and wide though. I would look for a used pair or 802/803 as they are much better to my ear in all area. If you need a small slender speaker the Revel 226be is much smoother with more even dispersion than the 804 and can be had for 1/3rd the price if you shop around. If you want a good looking speaker I would check out Sonus Fabers current stuff. The new soneto looks real nice and the Olympica line also sounds more balanced than the 804. |
I would look at the specs. Line by line. See what matters to you. All the feedback here will be subjective. You can infer a lot from the data, sensitivity, bass, frequency range, crossover, quality of parts, size, but ultimately, the design will make or break it, it may just be a matter of cabinet design and what you drive them with. |
You may be able to "infer" some things from published specs but the proof is obviously in the listening. Check out the Joseph Audio Pulsars if you are interested in an alternative option. Outstanding, musical "stand" speaker for around 10K. Then again, if you like your current speaker, why switch? Good luck. |
Has anyone compared Oatlon WZ801f tower speakers (see following picture link: to B&W 804 d2 speakers? Also, see following link to Oatlon speaker information: Thanks and look forward to your response.