Comments Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II

I own the Sonus Faber Electra and am wondering if a trade up to the Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II is worth the money (lots) for the sound results. My system includes the BAT VK-D5 CD Player and the Bow Wazoo Integrated amp. I have heard people say these are wonderful and others say they are dry and the first Electra is the best. Last week end, I heard the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Speaker with the Plinius 8510. They were musical, great on vocals, sound stage okay, etc and I liked them. Several months ago, I heard the Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Pianos. I also liked them but the bass seems limited. I am in no hurry to make a decision. Speaker size is a major concern so they need to be small (like the Beethoven). Since my existing Sonus Faber Electra's have no bass, a full range Speaker is my goal priced up to $5K (if needed, under 4K is preferred). Comments on the Sonus Faber Electa Amator's II and others are requested. There are too many speakers in the market today. What else should I listen to?

Showing 1 response by jman

All I do know about these is that the original Electa Amator used the amazing Esotar tweeter, while the the EAII uses a cheaper tweeter. Sorry I don't know more.