It would be great to get an in home audition.Do you think the dealer would do that for you?When I lived in Germany in the 70's,my girl friend's Dad had a pair of Tannoy speakers.I fondly remember the very natural sound.
Comments on Tannoy Kensington SE - Room size
I have auditioned the Tannoy Kensington SE at In Living Stereo in NYC with Shindo electronics and I must say the I was extremely impressed. (I have a Monbrison and Quicksilver 6C33C monoblock triodes). There is a dynamic orgainic musicality to them unlike virtually any other speaker I have auditioned. Also very emotionally engaging. No hi fi thrills. No supertweeter or bass down to 20hz, just plain musical. Why don't more people have these speakers or other tannoys? The size of my room is 13.5' x 17 x 8. I do not believe they will overpower the room. Any comments as how they will play in the room or the speakers?