Comments on interconnect cables

I have owned my Harmonic Technology Magic Link 2 interconnect XLR cables since 2007 so it is time for an interconnect cable upgrade. One option, of course, is the Harmonic Technology Magic Link 3 interconnect cables ($900). See:

My dealer is suggesting something in the Shunyata Research’s line.

Several people seem to like the Darwin Truth Interconnect cables as described below:

The IC cables will go from my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC to my Luxman L-590ax integrated amplifier.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the above cables or other cables I should consider? My budget is around $1,000.

Showing 1 response by williewonka

Hg - take a look at KLE Innovations products

They're pretty plain looking, but if it's performance you are after - these will
make you very happy

If you are looking for a neutral performance with clean, crisp details, superb
dynamics and a cavernous image that is extremely focussed, you will love

I've tried most of their lineup and currently own the gZero20 IC's and the
gZero6 speaker cables - both excellent.

The gZero6 and gZero10 are exceptional performers also - I started with the

I compared the gZero3's to a pair of Silver Kimber balanced IC's at $1200 on a
very nice $50k system and the gZero3's came out ahead in all aspects of their

Thing is, you don't need a $50k system to notice the improvements they bring
to the performance - my system is around $14k , but these cables make it
sound like $50k-ish :-)

Take a look at the KLE Innovations web site for lots of great reviews
