Comments on Audio Note CD Players

Any comments on the Audio Notes CD players? They seem to be an underdog. How would, say, the 3.1x compare to the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 CD player or the like? Non-digital, non-fatiguing sound is very important. How would the Audio Note mate with a tubed preamp and hybrid amp? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by violaguy

I, too, own a 2.1x CD player. It is the first digital gear that I've had in my system that I can tolerate for long periods of time. Tracks I listen to are often lengthy (classical and jazz music) and for the first time, I do not find myself reaching for the remote. I would say its qualities are naturalness and openness; lots of resonance when reproducing acoustic instruments — which of course adds to the sense of pulse and liveliness; detail which involves me emotionally; an almost complete absence of digital 'glare' (which I abhor more than anything when it comes to CDs); and tunefulness (to my ears the audio note products sound more in tune than others I've heard — for example, piano reproduction, as well as voice is quite wonderful). Also, I find that older CDs as well as CDs containing music recorded in the fifties and sixties (classical, jazz, rock and roll, etc.) sound more natural on the CD2.1x than with other CD/processors I've used.

I still prefer the sound of vinyl on a first-class turntable, however, to my ears the audio note CD player I own is not inferior to my analog rig, only different. I haven't thought that before about other affordable digital products I've tried.