Coincident Triumph vs. Zu Druid

I am considering these two speakers and will drive them with a mactone XM-IIA integrated (40w/ch KT88 design). I listen to just about everything, from classical to indie rock. I happen to be on quite a Feist kick right now. Also, i do not have a cd player - i am vinyl only. Anyone have any ideas Thanks.

Showing 1 response by celtic66

Own the Coincident Triumph TRS Signature and they are accurate and with great musical texture. Listen to acoustic jazz, blues and celtic. They are particularly good with vocals and acoustic instruments. Very quick attack.

Image well and provide excellent soundstage. I've owned many quality British, Canadian and American speakers and found these to be truly great and easy to drive. Have run them with Luxman, VTL and Onix (English) with excellent results.

I've no experience with the Zu Druid.