Coincident Triumph vs. Zu Druid

I am considering these two speakers and will drive them with a mactone XM-IIA integrated (40w/ch KT88 design). I listen to just about everything, from classical to indie rock. I happen to be on quite a Feist kick right now. Also, i do not have a cd player - i am vinyl only. Anyone have any ideas Thanks.

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

We've had the ZU Druids for about 3 years. They handle anything we throw at them (and that is quite a wide range of music). With our smallest amplifier we can play the Druid to any level we want.

Our amps also work well with the Coincidents, but our S-30 (our smallest amplifier) is not enough power IMO for the Coincidents, although it sounds fine on them. I think the volume level is a matter of taste in this regard and a lot depends on the listening room. I'm often accused of playing things too loud :)

So the difference is efficiency and the Druid has slightly more bass (but overall that is probably not going to mean a whole lot). Otherwise with our amps the two speakers sound very similar.