Coincident Statement Phono Pre amp opinions

I am looking for opinions about this phono pre amp from owners and people who have auditioned. I currently use a Simaudio LP5 with outboard power supply phono pre and Aesthetix Calypso line stage. The Coincident is a phono pre with one line level input and volume control and can go directly into amp. I only use a TT and CD so if I went this direction I would replace both the Simaudio and Aesthetix. Also interested in any comments as to why Coincident products are rarely review by the major magazines.

Showing 1 response by jacano

Excellent phono, dead quiet, accurate and delicate. It reminds me the Lamm, but with much better highs (less sibilance). The extra input is very useful, but if you use low power amps (e.g. SET) you may find that you need more gain.