Coincident Linestage vs CJ CT5 or Allnic L-3000

I currently own a Conrad Johnson CT5 but would like to upgrade and move to a preamp with XLR in/out. I have tested the Allnic L-3000 which I find very intersting, and I am also interested in the Coincident Statement linestage. Has anybody compared the Coincident to the CT5 or the Allnic?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

Congratulations Brownsfan.Give us an early(very) impression tonight if you find the time.
Just a correction, the CSL circuit is fully balanced to the best of my knowledge.If any doubt send an email to Israel Blume(Coincident President), he responds pretty fast.I agree with phillip on his impressions except for polite. I`ve own mine for over 3 years and while it is quite smooth,organic and refined, it`s exceptionally vivid,dynamic and conveys music`s drama and scale completely. But again different systems and ears.Phillip is right,the music flows(floats) freely and completely detached from speaker location with appropriate recordings.
My 2 cents worth, the bass performance in the context of my system is superb. The tone,texture, articulation and weight is natural and convincing. In judging the bass performance much of what you`ll hear is obviously amplifier and speaker specific. With my 8 watt 300b SET amp(same brand and designer/builder)I have no complaint,there`s speed,agility and exceptional seperation and detail. With my 100 watt push-pull amps(6550/KT 88)there`s more weight and impact.The gap in this area is surprisingly small but still noticable.The CSL clearly distinguishes the very different nature of these two amplifiers.

I hope you`re able to hear it and determine for yourself(easier said then done sometimes).Keep in mind it has only two inputs and there`s no remote control(unimportant for me). If the overiding concern is music reproduced naturally and with realism/involvement,I`d put it up against anything out there.It`s pure and transparent, so if you like the sound of your V4 amps, that`s what you`ll hear.The CSL won`t enhance or fatten/boost your system`s intrinsic bass character(nor will it make it leaner).It `s available in two versions, with either 20 or 10 db of gain. 10 db is perfect for my system.
Israel Bloom(Coincident) says the CSL is fully balanced input and output. Standard gain is 12 db and 20 db gain is optional.
Hi Brf,
Have you had the chance to actually inspect "current" electronics? It's very good quality and as good or better many competitors. The stainless steel is very good quality, it is' nt Zanden level of execution but still good. Examine for yourself the latest versions and see what you think.
I`m happy for you as nothing is better than actually hearing a component yourself.I`ve owned mine for 3 1/2 years and appreciate it more as time and many long listening sessions past by. You described its brilliant sound and performance accurately.As much as you enjoy it now this will increase just as it happened to me. I`ve had the pleasure to hear other excellent sounding linestages that cost considerbably more but would`nt trade any of them for the CSL.Did you get the 12 db gain or the 20 db gain version? The CSL combined with your 845 tubed Nagra must be a pure delight.Excellent choice!
The CSL is attractive and very solidly constructed,is it cosmetically flawless?, No.Take a close look internally and see the true value of this design.Very high quality transformers(Japanese custom made) and choke filters(power supply)(that`s why it weighs 73 pounds combined two chassis). Why so transparent? not a single capacitor or a resistor in the signal path(no resistor based volume control either).Minaimalist single gain stage(most preamps have two or more gain stages) with DHT tubes is also a key factor in what you are hearing. Avoidance of the common 'electrolytic caps' in the power supply.As you discovered, It`s a significant achievement to get this level of design and performance for well under 10,000 dollars. You compared it to two 'very well respected' linestages(for sure).The CSL as you found, will relatively speaking sound more natural,musically convincing and less hifi."It brought my system to another level", I believe you.
The CSL will fit wonderfully in your beautiful system and room.I think you`ll be very happy with it.
Have you considered the ModWright modified OPPO 105? I heard it extensively in a friend`s system(VAC electronics) recently and it clearly surpasses the already fine sounding ModWright OPPO 95 he has.Utterly organic,dynamic and very involving presentation.
The current Coincident components are built to a very high standard(just
not uber high) and better than many.Obrennan did say the level of
imperfection is "minor" and I would agree.The overall package
of built, part quality and most of all sound is spledid IMO. My CSL and
Frankenstein MK II have been completely trouble free with very heavy use.
Once listened to, many are quite impressed with it, just as Obrennan is.
Hi Pehare,
I`ve heard the Extreme cables(in other systems) and they`re very good.At hesrt I`m a believer in silver and my Ocellia Silver Reference cables are superb in my system.Israel does`nt like silver wire.I hope you get an opprotunity to hear the Frankensteins soon and see what you think of them.
I `ve not heard the Coincident phonostage.Word of mouth says it`s excellent.
Yes ,overall perspective is the point I was trying to illustrate.I thought Brf was making a bit too much(IMO) about very minor exterior cosmetics(but I know his intentions are good).The Coincident is better built than my former ARC and Quicksilver preamps(and they were very solidly constructed).The big seperation gap is undoubtedly internal parts and layout, your friend`s observation is on the money.You want better near perfect exterior finish, there`s Absolare Passion,Zanden and Robert Koda etc.In terms of pure natural sound realism and getting to the core soul of music the CSL is a very upper tier product.The good news is the price is within reach of many music loving audiophiles. Obrennan, there`s a lot of iron(transformers and chokes) to burn-in with additional hours, you`re in for treat.Those 101D DHT tubes make for wonderful music reproduction.
You and I are happy owners of Coincident speakers.This is where Israel Blume made a name for himself and earned his well deserved reputation.His Pure Reference Extreme speaker has gotten rave reviews universally.Some say at 27,000 dollars they`re an absolute bargain.However consider this,his all out effort in his latest Mark II electronics are 'much more affordable' and are said to be world class by a variety of reviewers. The cost of his preamps and and both power amplifiers are far less than his top speakers.This is the viewpoint I`m trying to get across, very reasonable value for the high performance one gets from the electronic components.

When I decided to go the SET route it was narrowed down to Coincident and the Wavelength Cardinal 300b. The reviews of the Frankenstein were so positive(nearly over the top I thought) and they were less money(by a noticeable margin at that time). I know I would have been very happy with the excellent Wavelength but there`s been no looking back with the Frankenstein MK II,the reviews got it right.
As I thought you'd be impressed with it straight out of the shipping carton.Enjoy this superb linestage, and it gets considerably better as the various parts accumulate hours.You made an excellent choice.
Phillip was that a problem in your audition of the CSL? I`ve had no complaint or issue with the volume gradients/steps( or maintaining equal channel balance).It just proves once again we`re all different.
The orginial CSL(2009) had 20 db of gain and this was too much for my
system(10/2009).I returned it to Israel and he sent me a unit built with 10
db of gain which is just perfect for me. He can offer different levels of gain
depending on need.My speakers are 94 db at 14 ohms (I use the 16 ohm
tap), amp sensitivity is .7 V and my DAC output is 3..1 volts.
14 db sounds like the right amount of gain for your system's needs.90% of my listening is with the VC set at 11to 1 oclock.Your fun and pleasure with the CSL is in the early stage.Wait until it blossoms, you'll be besides yourself with sheer happiness and admiration. It's really a life long possession piece. Israel is very talented.
You were a longtime advocate for passive units and very happy with their performance. With the active CSL in your system has there been any period of adjustment? How is the music presentation altered? How is dynamic contrast,tone and timbre different if at all?
I'm happy the CSL is all you hoped it'd be.I know how wonderful it is but you can't predict another person's outcome with a given component.I, as you do, use live acoustic music as my reference point. This method effectively separates the true music reproducers from the artificial hifi sound. I imagine your system sounds natural and beautiful.
Congratulations! Of course I agree with your early impressions(it will continue to improve with time).The CSL is a world class line stage and legitimately competes with the very best irrespective of cost.Did you own a Shindo preamp at one time?Sorry if I confused you with another gon member.I find it difficult to listen to with a critical mind set.The natural sound and emotional involvement it provides just pulls you into the music,completely.
I`d say it is a matter of aesthetics.I had a loaned Dude in my system and it`s a very large single box(blue metal exterior) that will catch your attention.The CSL although two boxes and a lot heavier does tend to blend in more and isn`t as visually noticeable. The stainless steel finish of the CSL may be more elegant for some depending on tatse.It really boils down to cosmetic preference.
Your wife has good ears, you can really appreciate what it does for the music as it has minimal editorializing compared to other line stages.
Thanks for the kind comment.You made an excellent choice as you have realized. It's good to see that you and others have discovered this truly surperb product. Your description nails it.The CSL is so natural and capable of connecting and immersing one into their music.What more could you ask of an audio component? If I ever make it to Sweden I'll be expecting some great beer.
To clarify there's nothing soft or romantic with the CSL (do you assume that due to tubes?).If you read the impressions of the CSL owners on this site you'll realize that it's exceptionally uncolored, pure and honest.It will perform well with all genres of music.It doesn't emphasize certain aspects of sound or provide artlficial hype and slam characteristics. In my use I find it very dynamic, vibrant and with excellent timing and flow which will serve all music . It's a component that is devoted to music and the antithesis of a hifi presentation. I think you'd enjoy it quite a bit with rock music.
I find that I have to temper my enthusiasm and joy. The CSL with the Psvane 101D tubes are just the epitome of unadulterated music conveyed with emotion and uninterrupted communication. In my very humble opinion this is one of the truly exceptional values amongst the best group of line stages available at any cost. There, I went and said it, a music lover's sheer delight
One point I wanted to make about your very early impression. Remember that the CSL has a "lot" of high quality iron to break in.The numerous transformers (volume, interstage, output etc.) chokes simply need time.All parameters of sound including drive, dynamics, bass etc just get better. If you're happy now just wait until these important parts mature with more hours of use. There's much wire in those parts. The sound becomes more organic and effortless yet at the same time more alive with improved color-tone saturstion(natural).
You're driving the rest of us mad with pure desire to try these tubes Lol!
I understand. You had asked is it too soft or romantic for rock music? This is often expressed about tube rather than solid state components.
The mute switch works fine for me.
I leave mine on 24/7 no problems (Israel said it only draws 45 watts).
It is a lifelong keeper component unless you change just for the sake of change or want to try something else.
Interesting point Brownsfan, I use rca cables and this likely explains my lack of problems with the mute function.
Thanks for posting this,I`ll read it later tonight.Given my long term joy with the CSL, I`m always happy when it gets some well deserved exposure.
The reviewer thoroughly captured the essence of the CSL.Reusing the term "natural" several times (as well as holistic and organic). Comparing so closely with the 45, 000 dollar Viola line stage (which the reviewer considers a creme de la creme standard) says it all as well as could be said. This doesn't surprise me and I don't say that with any smugness at all.He is right, the CSL is an astonishing achievement that's price within the range of reasonable affordability yet competes with the very best in the marketplace. Israel should be understandably very proud.For people like me who listen to predominantly unamplified acoustic music this is a near perfect choice.
Hi Brownsfan,
No surprise with the power cords, so much of audio is trial and error. I took the easy way out and use the Coincident cord and as to be expected it is a very good match.
Israel Blume says he's order a " batch" of the W.E. 101Ds but won't receive them until late February-early March.
Congratulations! You'll enjoy the terrific sounding CSL for many happy years.
Welcome to the club! Israel Blume and Brownsfan made me aware of these Psvane 101D tubes. Brownsfan was right on the mark regarding the special quality of these tubes. They improve the already excellent Shuguang 101D and I didn't think the Coicident line stage could hardly get any better. What's a very pleasant surprise, CSL + Psvane = stunning music reproduction. They will be the standard tube in all current CSLs per Israel.
Hi Jordan and Brownsfan,
Perhaps we should send her emails expressing our interest. If that's unsuccessful I'll find a way to order from China.
Jordan I think you know that Brownsfan and I aren't hype machines and we both call it as we see it. The Psvane is a legitimate improvement of the "very goodt" Shuguang tube. For over 4 years I've just loved my CSL and wouldn't think of replacing it (with what?). But man oh man these Psvanes in the CSL are something else!
Yes you're correct, Brownsfan and I have the standard "hifi" series Psvane 101D not the W.E. version (I payed 175.00 ordered from china). These are excellent sounding tubes! The W.E. replica must be genuinely remarkable then as your description suggests. This is getting very interesting as Psvane is establishing a name for themselves with their highest tier series of tubes.

My friend Jwm has the wonderful Absolare Passion Signature PSET 845 amplifier. We just very recently compared some RCA 845s with W.E.replica 845 in his amplifier and the Psvane W.E. was the better sounding in both our opinions. Given the gorgeous sound I'm getting now , the W.E. 101D must be truly sublime. The stellar CSL deserves the best tubes one can manage. These 101D are the only active part in the CSL, so they have a very major role in the sound heard.
The CSL with stock Shuguang tubes was one of the absolute best line stages I've ever heard (I've heard many good ones). The Psvane has improved that very high base line . I'm listening to Oliver Nelson, Doug Raney and Charlie Rouse CDs tonight and if they tapped me on my shoulder I wouldn't be surprised, that's how present they sound(and feel) in my room.
And to think the W.E.Psvane will improve things further yet, oh my!
You make a good observation. The CSL with the stock Shuguang tubes was easily competitive (or better) with line stages at 3-5x its own price. With the use of the W.E.Psvane 101D you are in true rarefied air territory. This makes the combination a remarkable value for a High End audio component, that's some achievement.
Hi Pap,
Thanks for making us fellow CSL owners aware of these latest 101D tubes. I guess eventually these W.E.replicas will be available for the rest of us to obtain. In the mean time I'm enjoying the heck out of the Psvane Hifi series 101Ds, they sound beautiful.
If anyone finds the cost of the Psvane W.E. too steep (600 USD or higher?). I can enthusiastically recommend the Hifi series 101D, this is a beautiful sounding tube. For less than 200 USD they're a genuine value for a superb line stage. I plan to buy the W.E. when they become available but believe me the Hifi tubes are no joke.
I don't mean to imply that there's a"night and day" improvement with the Psvane but the improvement is undeniable. In what manner? The sound quality is more organic, harmonically complete and fleshed out and tactile. There's more presence and emotion, the CSL had these attributes as a strength. Well now it's even more so. Pap says it gets better with W.E. , well then we're talking pinnacle level of rarefied realism.
Well admittedly there's some speculation/extrapolation based on Pap's impression of the W.E. vs Hifi 101D comparison in his system.
Jordan do you alternate between the CSL and CF line stages for a change of pace/ perspective?
At one time I gave very serious thought to purchasing a used Concert Fidelity as it had really impressed me. Instead I bought the CSL new and haven't looked back although I'm pretty sure that I'd like the CF very much as well.
Hi Bigkidz,
In terms of design you're preaching to the choir, I'm a hugh fan of DHT tubes and their unique characteristics and most of all their sound quality. IMO DHTs are the best choice for providing a natural , realistic and communicative reproduction of music.
If given a choice I'd select an interstage transformer over a capacitor in the signal path as you noted. Admittedly so much is dependant on designer talent, implementation and part quality (a great capacitor would beat a poor quality transformer).

The Concert Fidelity preamp sounds excellent to me regardless of its lack of DHT tubes or interstage transformer. Both the CSL and CF are minimalist , short signal path, singal gain stage designs with very low parts count.
As good as the CF sounds I don't find it "better" sounding then the CSL and it's 4x the cost of the CSL. The CSL conveys the emotion, passion, life and of music in a most believable and organic fashion.
Just as I said above, it's really implementation and design talent, but I do believe that DHT are very special musically speaking. By the way Germanboxers (Jordan) did own both of these fine preamps. Like everything concerning audio, it boils down to personal preferences and desired sound. Jeff your Absolare Passion Signature does outperform the VAC Signature II in your system, I heard the same improvements as ou did.