Jiamming, I agree with your characterization of the Frankenstein, transparent and quite minimal coloration. The bass is very good but not the best available obviously.If the Dragon amplifier has essentially similar character as the Frankenstein(but with more bass and power) then it should respond significantly to various brands of tubes(as the Frankenstein surety do).I don't know if there's as many choices for the 211 tube as there are for the 300b.From everything I've read or heard said, the MK II Dragons are a considerable improvement (and many felt the MK I was very good).Remember that speakers matter, some may be better with the SS amp and others are better with tube amplification. I'd recommend the Coincident power cord, it's excellent with their components and is reasonably priced.I've never heard the Dragon described as thin or to have diminished bass, could it be poor match for the speakers? |
Erndog, That's a wise move , give yourself adequate time with a different sounding amplifier then you can compare and contrast. Jimmy's observations stated in earlier post were on the mark.I'm not surprised that upgrading the 211 tube made a significant improvement, a transparent amp allows each different tube's character to become apparent . Israel is right, the Black Treasure tube is much better than the respectable EH 300b and you'll easily hear the better sound of this driver tube. The Coincident amplifiers will reveal the natural tone and body but won't add gratuitous warmth and color.They are very honest amplifiers.As you discovered, patience pays off. Regards, |
Erndog, This is good to hear. That amplifier is transparent and very uncolored, so power cord,cables and tube changes will be quite apparent.The Dragon as expected responds significantly to this type of fine tuning.You` re on the right track, just continue to trust your ears. Regards, |
There aren`t many choices of the 6em7 available, you might as well stick with what you have. |
Jimmy, The Dragon is a clear and simple circuit design with much transparency.For this reason I believe you'd hear the effect of the 300b driver tube. Regards, |
Erndog, If you don't mind, let us know the results with these different 300b as driver tubes. Regards, |
Jimmy , I think Israel is going to have sucess with both of this new amplifiers. Knowing him, he won't offer something for sale unless he's satisfied with the sound.I suspect the 845 integrated will provide true top level performance at a obtainable price and be able to drive moderately efficient speakers. This amplifier weights 100 pounds, The transformers and power supply are likely very high quality and over specified as is his habit. Regards, |
Germanboxers' s description of the Frankenstein driving the Zu DEF IV is eerily similar to them driving my Coincident speakers.A very natural large scale sound and very balanced across the frequency spectrum. It produces more volume than I need in my generous size room.The tone and timbre are full and realistic, the sense of flesh and blood presence is striking. I'm not surprised at the exceptional synergy Germanboxers is experiencing and the quality of the bass he's hearing.Both the Franks and Atma-Sphere have low noise floors,are very transparent, clear and fast(like Germanboxers I've heard them compared in someone's system).The Franks tend toward fuller and the Atma-Sphere toward a bit leaner sound(matter of preference and system matching).The Frankenstein is very revealing of nuance and the true emotion and expression of the music(what some would call holistic).
My speaker isn't as sensitive as his Zu DEFs (101db vs 94db) but the Coincident is a very easy to drive load (piece of cake for the Dragons) and the Frankenstein seems to coast with them.IMO either Coincident amplifier will be superb with either brand of speakers. You won't go wrong with these choices. Regards, |
It seems the subwoofer contributes significantly to your system`s performance,so step one is to get that fixed. I`ve haven`t read complaints about the Dragons`s bass before.Could simply be your speaker is better matched with a SS amplifier or you may just prefer the sound of SS to tubes. Regards, |
Erdog, Have you determined the problem you were hearing is more the DAC's sonic character than the Dragons? |
Erndog, Just to be fair, those who are familiar with the Zu line say the DEF MK IV is a significant improvement. I'm not sure if you can attribute a common house sound or not (I haven't heard them). Germanboxers found the Zu - Frankenstein match to sound very well.But as you acknowledged, different system and ears. In terms of the Coincident speakers I find them to sound as impressive as their electronics and as one would anticipate work wonderfully together. Of course I haven't heard every model but I did I hear the Pure Reference and my Total Eclipse and can say the match is excellent. I'm not familiar with the Victory models that utilize a ribbon tweeter.Coincident speakers are very transparent, open and quite uncolored.For the most part, you will just hear the character of the source and electronics just as jimmy has described before in other posts. I'd say the overall sound of my system is organic and just a bit to the warmer side of dead center neutral.Tone is adequately saturated with a full bodied sound and much harmonic preservation if that helps you get a feel for their sound with my particular components. Regards, |
Erndog, Your approach to get the source nailed down is right.If you go the Coincident route you`ll hear the essential character of the source component very clearly.Jimmy is right, the Coincident electronics and speakers are quite neutral(relatively speaking).My DAC is the Yamamoto YDA and it is rather organic and full tone/body but also transparent and very nuanced.The Coincident chain of equitment doesn`t alter that fundamental character as the signal travels downstream.So your plan is correct,choose your front end source carefully to achieve the overall sound you want. Regards, |
Erdog, I don't have the Dragon amps but if they're re anything like their siblings the Frankenstein MK II they'll be very uncolored and superbly transparent. You'll definitely hear everything upstream in your system, even the tiny changes. You are right to address the source and get that to your full satisfaction Charles, . |
Drdavid, Thanks for the new power cable update, they impact your CSL that much? Israel has been a busy guy the past year. Charles, |
Drdavid, That's quite an endorsement for the new power cords. I have the standard Coincident cords and find them exceptionally good. I used a loaned pair of Sophia RP in my Frankensteins for 2 weeks and they're very good tubes no doubt. I also use the AVVT 32SL and the EML XLS both are excellent as well. Curious ascto how you find the RP vs the AVVT, good tubes but different sound. Charles, |
Hi Drdavid, Let us know your impression of these cords on the amplifiers. Charles, |
Hi Drdavid, These new Coincident power cords are special if they're significantly improve over the previous versions (I know how good those sound). I'll be ordering some eventually. There's a manufacturer who goes by the name Tube wrangler (Dennis Fraker) on the audio asylum SET forum who may still have some AVVT 32b SLtubes available. He builds the Serious Stereo 2A3 SET amplifiers.406 -222 -9229. I bought a pair from Dennis last year and they were in excellent condition and sound the same. Charles, |
Hi David, Hey I appreciate your passionate "rant" I can tell you're genuinely impressed with these new power cords.Again you're right as to my priorities, the areas you cite as improved, naturaness, organic character and harmonics are what grab my ears and attention. I'll get these in the near future, I'm likely a Coincident guy for life. The CSL and Franks are so sublime and yet you say that they improve with these cords? Wonderful news.
I didn't have the Sophia RP and AVVT at the same time but both were superb in the Frankensteins. I look forward to your comparison of these two fine tubes. The AVVT 32b SL are relatively rare to find so congratulations to you. With premium 300b tubes and the new cords you must be in a continual state of music lover's bliss. Charles, |
Drdavid, I'm not surprised by your outcome and you can simply rotate them at will and appreciate both. As I've written before, I very happily rotate my 3 premium tubes. Charles, |