Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.

If you can't tell what the products actually are in the former, there ain't gonna be much latter. 

Well it seems as though he (Frank) is quite accessible via email and he is very busy building speakers for customers. So it appears that orders are being placed and fulfilled.  This is the classic one man operation predicament.  No doubt he could use an additional helping hand with a growing business.  I suspect he's acutely aware of this and will "eventually " sort it out. I'm rooting for anyone who manufactures quality high efficiency speakers (reasonably priced) that work successfully with low power amplifiers. 
Hi Ever one I finally have a real website, it is in the final stages of fine tuning
and will publish it to the web as soon as I figure that part out. Lots of pretty colours
and drop down things to click on.


"Have you hugged your table saw today ?"
Thanks for the update Mr. Garcia will be tickled pink I’m sure 😂.