@henrynguyentx I should have added that I suspect you are also on the right path with the Coda #8 stuff... Coda, in general. I went back and forth with Doug Dale at Coda quite a bit. In fact, I made an offer on a "factory refurbished" unit but we couldn't get together on price. As I recall, he suggested the version with highest Class A bias (I suspect he likes that versus the flashy number of lower Class A versions). I’ve seen good feedback about their preamps as well.
As my Wilson Duette are also a 2-way with 8" woofer / 1" tweeter, know that the Ayre VX-5 Twenty will make them JAM... plenty of power for that speaker, with same sensitivity as yours.
CODA amp No.8, Bryston 4B3, or Ayre VX-5 Twenty
- CODA amp No.8 (version 2, 250W@8ohm)
- Bryston 4B3 (300W@8ohm)
- Ayre VX-5 Twenty (175W@8ohm)
Have you had experience with either of these amp? Can you please share your thoughts and recommendations. I’m going to buy one of them for my system:
- room: 26’ L x 18’ W x 9’ H (living room with open breakfast area)
- speakers: 2-way Human 81 DK (8ohm, 89dB, 8" woofer, 1" tweeter)
- preamp: Wyred4Sound STP-SE Stage 2 upgrades
Thanks very much!
Showing 3 responses by jim2
@henrynguyentx I have an Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp, VX-5 Twenty amp, along with a QB-9 Twenty DAC. For some background, I’ve used (still own) Joule Electra LAP150 tube preamp and Joule Electra VZN-80 OTL amp. Beautiful sound with the Joule gear; however, I acquired a pair of Magnepan 3.7i and needed more power. As I was a "tube guy" I watched a number of YouTube videos of the late Charlie Hansen of Ayre. He was also a "tube guy", but didn’t like the some of the other things that come along with owning tube gear. His goal was for the magic of tubes, but with solid state reliability. One thing he also mentioned, that really made me take notice, was no negative feedback... something that was a big deal with my Joule OTL amp. In my experience, the lack of feedback really adds to the musicality; however, the amp needs to be matched up properly with speakers too. |
@hsounds Regarding the AX-5 integrated / power difference... which other Ayre amp were you comparing it to? Was it the VX-5 Twenty? I have interest in the AX-5 Twenty and EX-8 2.0, as. single box solution. |