Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience?

Should say "hype vs. reality" in the headline. 


Coaxial speaker design has been around in one way or another for a long time. I often think I’ll be absolutely blown away by them, but in practice traditional vertical layout speakers often have sound as good, or have other features that make them sound better.

Thiel, KEF, Monitor Audio, Tekton, Seas are among the many players attempting such designs, but none has, by the coaxial drivers alone, dominated a segment of the market.

What are your listening experiences? Is it 1 coaxial speaker that won you over, or have you always preferred them?


Showing 3 responses by tomcy6

herb, if Andrew Jones couldn't explain it to you while setting up a pair of coaxial speakers, I doubt that anyone here can.

erik, you post some puzzling questions. My guess is that speakers with concentric drivers from different manufacturers can sound as different from one another as speakers with concentric drivers can sound from speakers with each driver mounted separately. I don’t think there is a specific sound that all concentric driver speakers have in common, do you?

Maybe you could be more specific about the sound qualities you ascribe to concentric drivers.


Coherent, natural sound with solid & sharp imaging,

I'm sure that's how your Tannoys sound to you, but isn't just about every speaker manufacturer shooting for those qualities, some with more success than others?  There are exceptions going for a different sound, of course.