Closest DAC to Vinyl Sound?

I love my vinyl, but sometimes it's a pain to keep flipping sides. I also have a lot of digital music (WAV, FLAC and MP3) that doesn't sound half bad through my Soundblaster X FI Titanium Fatality. But I'm wondering, is there a better way to enjoy digital? How would an external DAC stack up? Can anyone recommend a DAC that has that analog sound, or is it wishful thinking? Associated equipment includes Sound Valves VTP 101, Aragon 2004 and Large Advent Speakers. I also have an Adcom GCD 750 cd player that can accept a coax input.

Showing 3 responses by charles1dad

Which DHT tube is in your preamp? And does it utilize coupling caps or an interstage transformer, just curious.
Hevac1 is right, there `re some excellent sounding DACs available,take your time and you`ll find what you want.
Analog playback is no different in that some are superb and others can sound rather poor.There`re analog systems that sound very etched and make your ears plead for mercy(holds true for some digital front ends as well).Avoid the stereotypes and just listen and judge.
The Yamamoto DAC is redbook only and has just a single RCA input.The analog stage and power supply is where the money went.I`ve had mine for 3 1/2 years,the sound is superb!This DAC is as organic and good as their renownded SET amplifiers.