Close, but no cigar ...

Whenever I get amp-upgrade fever there are a few brands/models that always make the top 3 or 4 on my list. But for one reason or another, they are never the finalist. It is definitely not a case of whether I think they are inferior in any way compared to my eventual choice. I know I probably would have been equally happy with either one, but honestly I don't know why I never end up buying them. So here's my list of the also-rans (but not inferior) that I would love to own some day. By the way, I'm only including amps that are within my budget ($4-8K new or used) and in close range to what I usually end up buying ...

Pass Labs INT-60 -- this was a top contender, but I just couldn't find a way to audition. Then a used Luxman 590AXII popped up and I went that way. However, I still wonder if I should have gone with the legendary Nelson Pass' design. 

Hegel H390 -- this is another amp that seems to get a lot of love on the forums. Would love to own one some day. I didn't pull the trigger because I had concerns about Roon integration (a must for me).

Ayre AX-5 Twenty -- another one that gets a lot of respect. New is out reach, but I've seen used ones pop up for sale every now and then.

McIntosh -- I'm not listing a specific model. This is probably one of the most iconic brands with unmatched pedigree and history. There have been times when I was tempted to buy one of their integrated amps, but always got cold feet. I know Mac doesn't get a lot of love on these forums, and that's probably a major factor that it never makes it past the finish line. But I feel that it's an itch I have to scratch some day to see what the fuss is all about.

So what are the top 3 or 4 amplifier models that you would love to own some day, are within reach budget-wise, but just never seem to end up in your music room?



 I've had the Krell kav 300il, $3500, parasound a21, $2000, Hegel H360, $5400, h590, $11,000 and now Mac Mc611's, $16,000. I only replaced the 300il because it kept melting and the warranty ran out. The A21 looks the part and popping the top is as impressive, but it's the most colored amp I've ever heard, it sounds like it was deliberately voiced to add body to compensate for early digital releases. I like Hegel for the money, but sometimes preferred the 360 to the iron grip the h590 holds on the music. I always thought Mac was must an overpriced brand that charged $$$ for a pretty face and bragging rights. I needed more power and the Mc611's were the first amps I'd had that delivered all the dynamics and texture to music at low volume as well as mid to loud. The MC 611's are the least mechanical amp I've ever heard. Every time I step up my game I say the same thing, 'the boundaries of the listening room are gone and music is floating in space', same line every time.

 I've never gotten this level of bass detail and depth before and to do it at low volumes is really new for me. The power meters rarely bounce above 6 watts and most listening is around the .6 mark on the meters. I've only used the 611's with the kef blades so I don't want to give the amps too much credit for the soundstage width and depth, or the precise imaging. Usually as I start watching my accounts catch up I start shopping for my next upgrade. Since adding the Mac components to my Blades I can't seem to find anything else hifi out there that interests me, I've probably said that before also, but time has gone by and I have money to burn yet I'd rather listen to what I have than look for the next best thing. 

I would put Audio Note on this list for sure. I auditioned the Cobra integrated at home- the grip and tightness blew me away. One day will get to it. Mac keep on thinking about it- but find it a bit bulky for my space. Another one I have and love is the Gato Audio Amp 150.