Cloning Class A Classics Continued..

I was recently tempted by reasonably priced "clones" of Pass and/or Krell amps.

Which made me wonder:

If these classic, high end deigns have enduring value, and still compete effectively with the insanely more expensive high end components of today..

...then why isn't someone banging them out on an assembly line, and selling them for the price of dirt, like the Behringer A500 which receives raves in another thread.

Does anyone build or know someone who builds reasonably priced, Class A clones?

Thank you,

Showing 1 response by cwlondon

So OK for DIY projects to then flip on Audiogon or ebay, but nothing that really resembles a business?

One of the reasons for my question was that I assumed a lot of the old classic circuits were more or less in the public domain by now.

Doesnt Nelson Pass allow that? Or would that be just for personal use?