Just a note, if you are playing loud, 80 wpc is not that much for some loudspeakers.
Clipping with Separates with change of Power Conditioner[?]
I have two Furman Power Conditioners. The one connected to my power amp went out recently. Nothing I can do allows it to work. I replaced with a W-Audio AC Power Filter Power Conditioner - Power Purifier with Surge Protector. I initially hooked up the items for the Furman to the Filtered Plugs on the W-Audio. In playing songs that get to higher volume, the items driven through the Power Amp would go dark while the subs continued to play the tunes.
My Power Amp is Class D [NAD c268 being run at stereo = 80 WPC]. My Pre-Amp is a Naim NAC 272.
Is my assumption correct that this is a power amp issue or compatibility issue between the Power Amp and the new W-Audio Power Filter Conditioner?