Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Showing 10 responses by phd

Since this hobby is insane already, I would say anything that crosses that line is over the top!
It has no direct effect on the audio signal, yet it has a pronouced effect on the sound of digital & analog systems. What! How? Sounds like alot of double talk! Or maybe you can just buy one and solve the mystery for $199.00.
Musicdoc, interesting post! Or maybe it emits a high frequency sound not audible to the human ear, repelling rodents & other pests thus creating a quieter listening enviroment.
Audiofankj, yes you will find this product widely used by people that own beachfront property in Arizona that don't normally post a virtual system. Good luck!
Charlie101, I'm sure the clever little clock constantly monitors its time against the atomic clock, keeping it accurate within seconds of each year however only time will tell. Definately check out Wellfed's write-up on this superb product & click on his posted link, I found it educational & totally inspiring!
Hi Audioari1, I think Zaikesman is stating that your request to keep a level of seriousness & maintain credibility has been somewhat undermined by your last statement of keeping wise-ass comments to a minimum. I'm not really sure myself if your dead serious in regards to your posts or just trying to be humorous? Which is it? It's no big deal but I was trying hard to read into your posts which path you have taken. If I have misread Zaiksman, I'm sure he will correct me as well.
I agree somewhat with Charlie101 in that its up to the mfg to provide evidence that the CLC works or at least some rational explanation on how it works. Since that has not occured it is now up to the consumer if they are willing to part with at least two hundred dollars to prove otherwise. Remember, a fool & their money are soon parted and that is precisely what this mfg is relying on.
Pabelson, are you sure the testimonials are legitimate? For $200.00 there most be a more verifiable tweak worth buying that will make a significant improvement to ones system. I fear by our very active debate on this thread will spark someones curiosity into purchasing one, thus serving the interests of the company that mfgs this gimick.
It appears that some folks on this thread are on glue which definately explains the acceptance of the CLC including bizarre explanations.