Clearview Golden Helix and Double Helix cables

I have been receiving a catalogue for several years from Mapleshade Music. Besides CDs, they offer IC's and speaker cable, many audio tweeks, and modded Scott amps and tuners. They off two levels of speaker cable with upgrade options. The prices are reasonable. Nevertheless, has anyone ever tried either of them?? If I can save a few dollars without going to almost mega-abucks speaker cables, that would be great.

Showing 1 response by ssglx

I've had the Golden Helix for several years now and they are great. Took awhile to settle in, and are unhappy and zippy for awhile when coiled and uncoiled. Left alone, however, they are punchyer, faster, tonally satisfying, and more transparent than anything I've tried.

I'm currently using much more expensive Nordost speaker cables in one of my systems. I like them, but I miss the incisiveness I get with the Mapleshades, and I'm contemplating getting a second pair of Golden Helix (Plus this time).

I've actually got the Golden Helix paired with a newish set of Morrow Audio MA-2 IC's on my CD Player and the PRAT and life in the music is just silly good.